Thursday 26 June 2014

A Beautiful Punting Day

The girls learning and having fun

A Beautiful Punting Day

Last Saturday, June 21st, we went to Cambridge to experience The Punting Tour - a 50-minute boat ride along the River Cam. Besides having fun on the boat, we (Laura, Luciana and Hilda, from Etec and Fabiana, from Fatec) could see one of the best universities in England, made up of 31 colleges, whilst listening to a nice chauffeur guide, who is also handsome, explaining all about the university, its history, academic issues etc.
We were blessed with a sunny day, which added much more delight and fun to our tour.


  1. Lucky girls. It seems the weather was just perfect for a tour along the river.

  2. Yes, lucky girls, with such a nice weather punting along River Cam might have been a dream. We went today, the weather was not so good (a bit rainy), but we could manage and it was quite good as well. The city is amazing.

  3. Girls, our guide was more handsome! Kkk

  4. We want a photo if he's that handsome, Camila!!!

  5. What a great experience to visit Cambridge!
