Wednesday 25 June 2014

What do British teenagers read?

When we were talking about Shakespeare the other day, we started speculating about what novels and plays were on the English Literature syllabus at school. Well, I've found the answer. Click here and it will take you to a website aimed at pupils taking GCSE English Literature, and you'll find not only the list of books, plays, short stories and poetry, but also revision notes, plot summaries, and in some cases short videos to help explain them. Might come in handy in your classes! Unsurprisingly, there are classics such as Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Animal Farm, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet etc, but there are more contemporary works too, such as Touching the Void (which is an absolutely brilliant book, not just for teenagers), and The History Boys. Enjoy!


  1. Hello Fiona! It´s a very good website, I intend to use some of them in my classes! Thank you so much! ;)
