Friday 27 June 2014

Project Week 2 : Camila, Gilcéia, Ilka, Rosangela

     This picture was taken in The British Museum, in the section about Egyptian Burials, with all due respect to the coffins behind us, we tried to interact a little with the environment, or at least tried to, since some of us couldn’t really stop laughing.

     For historical information, the coffins in the picture belonged to the same woman, the objects were found in the Theban West bank around 1904, and bought by the British Museum around 1910. It can be dated to the year 1279 – 1213 BC. The mummy inside indicates that she was already an old lady when she passed away, but judging by the beauty of all objects found in the tomb, she was a very important person. 


  1. Here our initial idea was to work as an ice-breaker when taking pictures of ancient funerary objects, such these coffins and the mummies the museum keeps. From my viewpoint, I was in fact very happy to have the opportunity to see "not in books" but rather "face-to-face" (if I can say this way) these millenary antiquities. So the best we could do was to find a peculiar way to express this kind of satisfaction: making different faces and moves in front of them.

  2. I must say what I like the most about being away from home taking this course is the degree of concerns we have. After a tiring period choosing a place to take a good picture, another doubt arises: what about the pose? Should we cross the arms or not?

  3. Going to museums has been very inspiring! I have learned a lot and, the most important aspect is that now I am into History!

  4. I think this photo is a great tribute to the woman whose artefacts are in the British Museum! Lovely!
